Sunday, March 20, 2011

our other two little loves...

Have  I ever mentioned how much this little boy LOVES anything cowboy!? Well, he does. I think the only other thing he just loves is Spiderman, but the whole cowboy thing is definitely numero uno. I'm not exactly sure when the fascination started but it's been one that has stuck. 

A couple weeks ago we went to a friends "western" birthday party and I think Cole was over the moon. The kids both got these cowboy hats, which they both loved.

Cole made fast friends with the rope he's got, which he quickly learned how to throw and wrangle. He got to take it home and he's become quite good at roping. He's even managed to wrangle the dog and his sister. Ha.

After the party we had plans with my family for dinner and he was just pooped by the time the day was over. I thought it was so cute how he crashed with all his gear.
I think I've mentioned before how much he LOVES his stick pony. This pony, now named Sassy, goes everywhere. Sassy gets to take a lot of car rides and basically goes wherever he does. Sassy hangs on the back of the chair at dinner and gets the royal treatment by his two yr old owner.
The boy loves horses. See, he's got on those horse rain boots again too. A few weeks ago Brian took him fishing at a friend's place who has horses and he actually witnessed a foal being born. He just happened to be in the rigt place at the right time. He came running to Brian and said, " Daddy, that momma horse just peed out a baby horse!"  So funny.
He also happens to love his "baby gun" that Uncle Chance gave him. This is another one of those items that goes everywhere. We've had to explain many times that the pistol HAS TO stay in the car. It never comes into a store, restaurant, the church, etc. You can imagine why. But trying to explain that to a 2.5 yr old I thought would be a real challenge, but he's really good about it. But when we're home, it's another one of those companion items that is always within arms reach. The boy is always trying to "shoot" something.
And Riley...she doesn't love cowboy stuff to the extent that her brother does but she is just becoming so
sweet. She still has moments where the sassy 3's come back or she tries to push her limits but what kid doesn't?
She loves her little brother and she loves Sadie.

And I love her spunk. She is always accessorizing herself. Cracks me up.

I just know she will be a huge help when her little sister is born. She is so excited to have a little sister- she is constantly asking when Ryann is coming. I think she's asked every night for the last 8 months. This week she is going to get her wish. I can't wait to see how they will both react to Ryann.

We are counting down the final days as a family of four and we couldn't be more excited to see how life is going to change when our 3rd love makes her debut. I can already see all 3 of them running around the backyard and laughing and screaming.


Tara Powell said...

I had to laugh at the gun. Just the other day Reid threw the biggest fit because I wouldn't let him take his gun into a school I was dropping some bags off at!
Boys are so funny!

The Reim's said...

Love these two cuties, can't wait to meet the newest little Peterson, bet she won't wait til Friday! Love you guys, P & M