Thursday, July 10, 2008

baby update...

well, I am obviously still here! Went to see the doc and I was still at 3 cm (now you can really imagine my frustration). In a nutshell, I think she knew I was disappointed and so I asked her if stripping membranes worked- she says, " yes, usually within 24 hours." Not a guarantee, but hopefully. I said, " DO IT!" So now I am "membrane free" or whatever you call it. Any of ya'll have experience with this and it worked? Let me hear from you!

She called the hospital to see about setting an appt to be induced- only to find out that they are so crowded over there that she delivered a baby in triage this morning and the earliest available appt to be induced is next Thursday, my due date! AGHH!

So we plan to walk around the block AGAIN tonight and see what happens...


Tara Powell said...

oh.....I thought about you all day today! This is gross, but I have heard that if you bleed after they strip your membranes then you have a better chance of going into labor. Mine were stripped, but no bleeding and it didn't work. Jill bled when hers were stripped and it worked! Hopefully you bled!!
Sorry to any male who read this!! :)

Rusty and Jennifer said...

She's right. If it is going to work, then it will be in the next 24 hours. Unfortunately, there is no guarantee or definite solution- unless you have a L&D nurse friend that will break your water!
Make sure you walk a lot and do any other suggestions that the Dr. may have given you ;) (if you don't know what I am talking me. It isn't blog comment appropriate!)
Hang in there and Good luck!

Ashley McWhorter said...

Girl, I got stripped about 3 times with the girls and they still came about 2 weeks after that. We'll see what happens with this next one.