Cole Matthew- 2 days
Riley Grace- 2 days
well, it just so happens that I have two almost identical pics of the kiddos- it is eerie how similar these two look alike and seem to sleep alike also. Of course, they both look like their daddy- I think the only thing they got from me was my mouth. What is even scarier is how similar they look to Brian's infant photos ( I'll try to get some posted). Usually it goes something like this: girls look like their daddies, boys look like their mommies. Not in our case. These 2 kids definitely got the Peterson genes- good thing daddy is such a handsome guy!
We have a running joke in this house that the kids just used me for my uterus. Brian's brother, Andy, said at one point, " If we never saw you pregnant, we would wonder who their mother is!" They are living proof that he is right. However, on a sidenote, I am proud to say that they did get something(s) from me, which are my mannerisms- stubborness excluded. That is a Peterson trait all the way. ( I am stubborn, but Brian has me beat).
Everyone here is doing well- Cole is sleeping 4 hours at night, which is AWESOME, because I get up once with him around 2 or 2:30 and then go back to bed. Brian feeds him again before he leaves for work so I can sleeo in until Riley wakes up around 8-8:30.
We went to the dr. today...he is already 7 lbs, 1 oz- all because, I'm sure, he is a very good eater. He has gained 1/2 a lb. since we came home just 9 days ago. Riley is the "mother hen" of sorts- always trying to help out and love on her little brother. No jealousy issues yet...she doesn't always listen to me, but I can deal with that.
So stinkin' cute!
Remember how I always thought you and Brian resembled each other-maybe they take after you more than you think they do. Anyway-it was great to catch up some over the weekend. See ya!
wow...i love the pics!
it only gets better from here!
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