Monday, July 7, 2008

baby news

well, there is NONE. Cole is still hanging progress since 36 weeks- exactly the same, to my frustration. But! I guess he figures he has to deal with us the rest of his life, so he's going to wait a bit longer. If only he knew how cool his parents and big sister were... :>)

I did get an ultrasound at 38 weeks ( last Thursday) and the stinker was estimated to be 7 lbs, 1 oz. already, which is a full half pound bigger than Riley who was 6 lbs. 9 oz. at 39 weeks, when she was born on Labor Day. Couldn't hardle see anything cause he is so scrunched, but the one thing that did show was the boy parts. Dad would have been proud. I am praying that he's not an 8 pounder...Brian REALLY wanted a July 4th baby, but obviously that didn't happen. So as the days pass by, we try to wait patiently. Going to the doc again Thursday...

Until then,
Anxiously awaiting...


Tara Powell said...

I will be praying for you. Hopefully we will get to meet Cole this week!

Rusty and Jennifer said...

Are you delivering in the Woodlands? If so, make sure to let me know when you are there!
Good luck and hang in there!