Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

Happy belated Mother's Day to all of my blogging friends out there!! I hope you had a great Mother's Day!! I was so exicted for this weekend and for the most part, it was really good. Up until Sunday. I got a stomach bug and was laid up most of the day....booooo. Of all days to be sick, I spent the majority of my day in bed and laid up on the couch.

I did manage to make it outside for a few minutes to snap some pics of the kiddos....(I apologize for some of them being a bit blurry- my camera is acting up and I have no idea why. Maybe someone will be extra good to me at Christmas get me the one I REALLY want...hint, hint).

Brian and the kids were really sweet so the day was not all bad- the kids made some precious things for me at church which I adore and they were so sweet to be quiet when I was sleeping.

I hope your day was very special. I know how blessed I feel to have these two precious kiddos that I can call mine.

Last Sunday the guys went fishing and had a great time. The boys went by and picked up Steve and headed to Hempstead for the afternoon to a friends place. Thank you Boppy for snapping these pics...

Brian said Cole reeled it in all by himself until he got his fish in the weeds and Brian had to help out, then he screamed. I know they had a great time together because anywhere there is a pond and fish, you can bet my boys will be there. I love this picture:

1 comment:

Lana said...

Sorry you had a stomach bug, yuck. The pics are really good. I laughed when I read that Cole screamed about having help with his fish.