Today Steve used a table saw to cut each of the 1x'6's that were to be wrapped around the 4x4 columns at a 22.5 degree angle so that when placed together at the corner of the column it then made a perfect 45 degree angle...resulting in an octagonal shape instead of the square that the columns were.
Did I confuse you yet? ok, good , read on...
So once all the 1 x6's had been cut and placed together, crown molding was cut at the same 22.5 degree angle to match the column's octagonal shape.
Now, I figured they would just cut the 1x6's to fit together around the columns, maintaining the square shape of the original posts. But I was pleasantly surprised by the octagonal shape. It makes the columns not so ordinary, even though I am all for keeping things simple. It gives it distinction from all the typical carpentry you see in most houses- according to Steve.
This took some serious dedication and work on Steve's part ( it was his idea)- that poor father-in-law of mine was up there sanding and sanding and sanding almost the entire afternoon, mostly by hand. All the 1x6's were cut and nailed together early this morning.
This is one of the columns that got fully finished as far as wood work. The other is still missing crown molding.
1. No, the decor on the bookshelf is far from finished.
2. and no, I did not paint the columns white and tan's wood filler that is piecing them together.
** Thank you Steve for all of your hard hard work in this and all the days past. Even though it is your labor of love, without you this house would likely still be someone else's with every inch of wall space covered in 4-5 layers of wallpaper with yucky carpet. We truly appreciate all you have done for us. (One day I will post before and after pics of this house for ya'lls amusement).
Stay tuned, more updates to come.
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