Friday, March 12, 2010


What do you get when you have a very determined little boy (who LOVES going outside) and just can't seem to reach the door handle?

It seems my little boy managed to finagle the toilet brush onto the handle of the screen door at Nee Nee's house and use it as, I know he is mine and I love him so I am biased BUT! if you ask me- (which you didn't but are getting anyway), that is really clever for a child at his age to realize it has just the right size opening to insert onto the handle. Sorry if I'm bragging on him but that was smart. Out of all the things he could have found to help him on his way, he chose the toilet brush.

So as if that wasn't enough, once he did get the chance to go outside, he made sure to grab the plunger and run and chase the dog with it. (That's not clever, just funny and gross).

I know all you germ-o-phobes are probably eww-ing right now...(it's ok, I did too because I am one. I always have Lysol wipes attached to my hip) but this is priceless. And let's face it, it's not nearly as bad germ wise as eating kitty bon bons or other things, which have happened to mine and other friends.
( No offense Linds- as long as we're talking about germs and what our kids have done- that was truly priceless).


Taylor and Lindsey said...

THANKS!!! LOL! Just for clarrification he did not EAT them, just had a little taste. LOL

Andy & Candice Peterson said...

I think "someone" needs to lock up that bathroom! Geez..... we are having no part in toilet accessories!! LOL...on the flip side he is clever and has many tools to choose from! lol